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Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind
Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind
This week our guest is Jemiina - Vocalist for Finnish Melodic-Death Metal Band SWANSONG . Jemiina and Blake discuss in detail the 4th studi…
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April 10, 2024

Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind

Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind
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The Metal Pit Podcast

This week our guest is Jemiina - Vocalist for Finnish Melodic-Death Metal Band SWANSONG.

Jemiina and Blake discuss in detail the 4th studio album from Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind - 1983

Jemiina also discusses her band how she got into metal music. And both Jemiina and Blake end the episode with their top 10 Female Vocalists.

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Hi everyone, this is Eva from Bloodhunter and you're listening to the Metal Pit Podcast.

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Welcome to the Metal Pit Podcast where we delve deep into the albums and bands that

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shaped metal. Please visit our website, The Metal Pit at,

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where you can find album reviews, interviews, and live show reviews. Also,

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follow us on Facebook and Instagram at The Metal Pit. And our YouTube channel is

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at The Metal Pit 666. If you have any questions, comments, maybe you want to be a guest on our

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podcast, email me info at I am your host Blake, I guess I should have said that

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when I said me, Blake. And today I have a special guest. I have, first I'm going to say, where is

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it, I'm going to say bye-bye to Jamina. Oh bye-bye, you said it wonderfully. It's a good day in

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Finnish. Yeah, you said it perfectly. Hello everyone. And yeah, and that's my only Finnish

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that I know since you just taught me before we started. People think I looked it up myself

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and figured it out, but I didn't. She helped me. Okay, so you're the lead singer of the Finnish

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metal band Swan Song and I actually, where are we, I actually was the first person to review

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your latest album Awakening, I believe on The Metal Pit, right? Yes, for The Metal Pit and thank

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you so much for the awesome review. Our debut album Awakening was released last Christmas,

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December. So it came out and we are so excited. It was our first full album and it has gotten

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amazing feedback and also we have been doing gigs in Finland and this summer we are doing metal

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festival gigs in Finland, Tuska Festival and also Nummi Rock Festival and other cool stuff. So very

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excited. That's good. Now I know I really liked the album, I was really impressed by it and I never

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heard of yous before I listened to it and I never listened to your EP, I just listened to that album

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and reviewed it and I was happy to see other reviews came in after me that were also positive

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so that made me feel like I knew what I was talking about. Yeah, thank you so much. It felt

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awesome because it's also my first album ever as a vocalist and it felt so heartwarming to have those

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reviews and it's an honor to be here. I respect you and The Metal Pit and greetings from our boys

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also greetings from Finland. Thank you and thank you for joining me. Now for people that don't

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know who you are, of course I'm gonna put your name and everything in the description of this podcast

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but how would you describe the music of your band, Swan Song? Well we are a melodic death metal band

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with 80s 90s metal heavy metal influences, old school stuff, riffs, harmonies, lots of cool guitar

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solos, emotional solos and I'm the vocalist, I scream, I growl, I try to do versatile stuff

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so check it out, you might be surprised. Yes, everybody should check it out and you said that

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you mentioned that you've played a few shows and how has your first few shows went playing the new

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songs? Amazing, amazing, we loved it. First we went to Lahti, Finland and we thought maybe nobody

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will show up because we're a new band but there were lots of people and they knew our songs, they

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screamed Play Winter Maiden and Play Maiden of Death and we were so happy, it was amazing and

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finally to perform those album songs so it made us very very happy. That's great. Now obviously

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for a new band and you're in Finland, I mean you got lots of countries that you can go to, do you

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have any plans to do any countries close to you or right now you're just sticking in Finland to play live?

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We have had some questions from abroad, for example Norway and hopefully in the future

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we will definitely go. We would love to tour but now we are making new music,

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it's keeping us busy. Topi, our guitarist, he's making these new cool tunes, something fast

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and also something beautiful and slow, lots of versatile stuff for the second album and also we

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have gigs in Finland now so that's keeping us busy but maybe in the future you can follow us

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in our social media Instagram and Facebook, Swansong, so you can see where the path leads us.

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Yes and people can say that you need to come to my country.

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Yeah hopefully so, we'd love that. And sorry about my Finnish rally English everyone, I hope you

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hear what I'm saying. I am trying to articulate. I can understand you perfectly fine so I'm sure

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it's fine for everybody else too. Now we are going to talk about, we're still going to do my regular

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podcast, we just did a little test and we're going to do a little bit of a live broadcast

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and we're going to do a little chat to introduce you so people know who you are and so they can go

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check you out. And I kind of let you, I gave you some bands to pick from and with the album we

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decided on was Iron Maiden's fourth album, Peace of Mind. Yeah. But before we start on that,

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I wanted to ask you, I should have said this before that I guess, how did you get into heavy

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metal music? Like what bands or maybe what album or who influenced you to listen to heavy metal

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music? When I was a kid, my stepfather, he listened to lots of blues, vinyls, albums and also rock and

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roll and lots of Finnish rock and roll and he always taught me vinyls are the thing when I was

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a kid. And my big brother, he played a guitar and he was a cool metal dude, he had long hair

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and his room was off limits. I wasn't allowed to go into his room but he listened to death metal,

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black metal, melodic death metal and I sat before his door and listened closely what he was listening

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and then I heard death metal Obituary and their album Slowly We Rot, first album and then the 90s

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Cause of Death. Yes. So this Florida death metal, very cool and it almost sounded to me

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that the vocalist was vomiting and I thought this is so cool, I want to be like my big brother,

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he's a badass dude, he's got this leather jacket, long hair, he plays a guitar and sometimes he would

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let me, he would open the door and let me look into his room and watch when he played the guitar

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and death metal and then it really exploded my metal journey when I heard, do you know the Finnish

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band Children of Bodom? Yes, yes. Yeah of course, our Children of Bodom. I heard when he played

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Children of Bodom and I was like what is this? I have never heard anything like this, it was fast,

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like a lightning and Alexi Leijo played so fast and the drummer was amazing and fast, there was

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nothing like it, there was nothing like it in Finland and also Alexi's voice was this kind of

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black metal, evil, mean stuff and that's when I thought this is the best music ever, now I'm a

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metalhead. Yeah. And we were talking before we went on about us both being shy at one point,

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or I guess I'm still shy, but you were talking about how you were shy and you didn't start singing

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or you didn't want anybody to know that you wanted to be a singer or whatever, but so was it the

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growling that really made you want to be a singer? Yeah, because I think when I did clean singing

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and I was in a chorus, it's very like emotional, you have to be gentle and what's the word in

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English, a bit vulnerable, but when you growl, when I started growling, I got to be like angry

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and emotional and let everything out in a different way, of course also vulnerable and everything, but

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it just woke something in me that I am not only this shy person, I can also let everything out

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this way and it felt very natural to me and very like this is my thing. That's cool. And of course

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I sounded horrible, horrible when I started for a long time, but still it felt good inside. Yes,

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now so like I say, we're going to talk about Animated Peace of Mind album and for people

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listening, if maybe this is your first time listening, we've already did the first,

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we've already did the first Iron Maiden album, we've done Killers, we've done Number of the

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Beast and we've done Powerslaves, so this is the last of the first five Iron Maiden albums for us

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to do, so if you like this podcast, make sure you go back and check those out. When did you first

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hear Iron Maiden then? I also heard Iron Maiden from my big brother in his room and I liked it

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because it was also beautiful, those harmonies and the lead guitar and stem, I don't know what's it

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in English, but in Finnish it's stem guitars. The combination of the two guitars was something I

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didn't understand then what it was, but it was beautiful and of course Bruce's voice is amazing,

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he can go high with his voice, it's very powerful. And actually even though people have heard this

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story from me, but I guess I'll tell you since you're here with me, Iron Maiden is the first

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heavy metal group I ever heard really, I mean because I'm from Canada and I lived out in the

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country on a farm and so back then of course we had no internet back then and so you would just

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have radio stations, so I would hear Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple on the radio and stuff like that,

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which I liked, but I never heard the term heavy metal until I got the number of the beast album

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by Iron Maiden, so that was my introduction to heavy metal as the number of the beast.

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And of course I became an instant fan and then of course as soon as this came out I'm sure I ran out

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and bought it. Oh awesome. Okay so Pisa, I'll mention this, Pisa Mine like I said for studio

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album released May 1983 on Capitol Records in North America and EMI in I guess Europe I'm assuming,

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it says the UK from my notes I have but I'm sure it's everywhere else too, it was the first album

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to feature Nico McBrain on the drums who is still the drummer today and this was the first Iron Maiden

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album, like just the fourth one, but the first of the four to not have a song named after the title

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of the album, Peace of Mind, so there's no song called Peace of Mind, but of course in the song

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Still Life they do say the phrase Peace of Mind. And let's see, note, well the band on this probably

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most people are going to know, so I'm not going to do a bio on Iron Maiden because I figure everybody

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knows who Iron Maiden is I would hope, but the band for this album just in case you don't know

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is of course Bruce Dickinson on vocals, Steve Harris bass, Dave Murray and Adrian Smith on the

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guitars and Nico McBrain which I mentioned on the drums and originally the working title for this

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album was called Food for Thought and I'm kind of glad they didn't call it that, but it was because

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of Eddie being lobotomized on the cover and you know how inside the cover they're sitting down

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with a brain going to have dinner or whatever so I think that's what Food for Thought is, but

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while they were recording it they decided on Peace of Mind instead. Cool, so we're going to start with

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the songs and we're going to start with of course Where Eagles Dare, what do you think of Where Eagles

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Dare? It has lots of instrumental stuff on this song and cool riffs that I think stick in your head

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and Classical Maiden, there are lots of Harry's war theme stuff on this album so it's a good start

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for me it was a surprising start because it has so much instrumental on it, but awesome song.

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Yes, it's not like a short song which sometimes they would start an album with like you know

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Ace is High on the Power Slave one or whatever, it's kind of a long one, it's six minutes and I like

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the the drumming right at the start it kind of shows Nico McBrain right off the bat like

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he I'm here and so here I am replacing Clyde Burr who was on the first three albums and I find

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yeah and the song is Where Eagles Dare which is also a World War II spy movie which was about

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commandos working for British intelligence during 1943-44 and their mission is to parachute into the

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snowy Alps behind enemy lines and infiltrate the fortress known as the Castle of the Eagles so I

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guess that's where Steve Harris got the idea for the lyrics for this song. Yeah he takes ideas from

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movies and books also so that's cool. Yes and they've always done that I think that's probably

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it was probably good for the fans too and you know because you know they were new

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at the not this was the fourth album but I mean you know there's parents that would criticize

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think they're Satan worshippers because of the number of the bees and then the kids could say

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but they read books like we're movies. Okay then we go to Revelations and what do you think of Revelations?

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It's an awesome song it's very groovy and it's very versatile this is Bruce's lyrics

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and something very emotional about this one right before the solo which is awesome solo

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by the way the energy rises so before the solo I think it's a bit slower and emotional

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but then it rises the song rises I love the quote she came to me with a serpent's kiss oh I love these lyrics

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beautiful ending where Bruce sings very subtle gentle voice it is you I love the ending and I

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heard I don't know if this is true but our guitarist and our composer Tobi who loves Iron Maiden

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he told me that when Iron Maiden toured and they played this song live Bruce did play a guitar

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in this song a bit. Oh I mean I like I've seen Iron Maiden many times and that could have happened

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I just probably don't remember because it's probably been a long time because I don't know

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if they still keep playing this song or not and it's probably been a long time but I think

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they still play this song or not and it's been a few years since I've seen them but yes I could

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definitely see that anyway yeah I heard he doesn't do do that anymore but back in the day he did it so

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cool well back when this album came out of course they only had the two guitarists now they have

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three so I guess they have no need for him to pick up a guitar you know too he's kind of busy

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running around the stage and stuff usually let's see and well you covered a lot on that song but

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yeah I guess the song is influenced by Alastair Crowley which I think they have a lot of songs

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like that or influenced by that and it's the first two tracks both come in at over six minutes kind

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of showing how even though there was it was a long like Phantom of the Opera and the second album was

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long of course and how would be their name on the third one there but they're kind of getting into

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more longer songs maybe more progressive like or whatever and you mentioned the love of your

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guitarist for Iron Maiden I can hear that influence in your music sometimes when the guitars are doing

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melodic playing and stuff and yes I can definitely hear the influence there yeah definitely he doesn't

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mean it yeah but he has been listening to Iron Maiden since he was a kid so it's it comes from

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his heart accidentally the Iron Maiden influence yeah there's nothing definitely nothing wrong with

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it it's yes okay then we go to the first single off the album Flight of Icarus which is one of my

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favorite songs on this album probably my favorite one on the album I think but what do you think of

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Flight of Icarus well actually I don't know what it's called in English but this horse gallop

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rhythm yes it's called gallop rhythm galloping yes yeah galloping with slower tempo but it's

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still galloping this influenced us because our song Winter Maiden we have galloping there

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and some people said to us like what are you thinking galloping is not cool necessarily

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but we thought it's definitely cool and if Iron Maiden does something it's like super cool

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so this this song influenced us very much I hear a lot of galloping in other bands I don't think

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there's anything wrong with it I know yeah it might have been one of the first ones that kind of

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did it especially with the song the Trooper when I get to that one especially on that one but

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yes and this is a very catchy song it hit number eight on the billboard album tracks list back in

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84 I guess and it's like the run to the hills of this album and I know I read where like they

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wanted a song Steve Harris didn't like the song he didn't even want to release it I don't think

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but Bruce insisted that they release it they said we're going to get on the radio and stuff like that

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in the United States which they were trying to break through on even though I think they kind

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of did already with Number of the Bees but it definitely was a song that could be played on the

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radio and stuff yes but yes and I love Bruce's I think I when I was younger whatever 18 or whatever

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his long scream in the song I think I timed it to see how long it was it was like 15 seconds I think

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that's amazing yeah he's a power powerhouse amazing vocalist and this is the most iconic

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classic lineup yes then we end side one with die with your boots on and what do you think of this

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song now you don't have to love every song just in case you're just in case you lean to a song

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whether you know but how do you think of what do you think of die with your boots on one of the best

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songs on this album I think and they have not been playing this so much live I think but it's a

00:22:56,320 --> 00:23:04,160
it's a great song classic maiden song everything maiden is about I love it

00:23:04,160 --> 00:23:14,560
I love it yes sorry lost myself I like the the lyrics like the 13 the beast is rising the french

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man did surmise through earthquakes and starvation the warlord will arise continue but I love all that

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lyrics again and of course I don't know I because I'm trying to read some people's thoughts and what

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they think songs are about and one person thought die with your boots on means die trying yeah

00:23:35,840 --> 00:23:44,720
definitely and the lyrics go no point asking who's to blame because if you're gonna die if you're

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gonna die and it these lyrics are definitely do what you do what you love and when you leave

00:23:56,080 --> 00:24:02,000
you live with your boots on yes that's right that's what you do yeah

00:24:04,800 --> 00:24:10,480
uh okay yes so then we get to I think this is the second single I know it's I'm yeah they probably

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only had two singles back then but anyway this is the second single and probably one of the most

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popular iron maiden songs ever the trooper and we got some galloping in this so what do you think

00:24:21,040 --> 00:24:33,200
of the trooper whoo uh no words no words needed one of the best songs ever this melody is genius

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genius amazing uh I don't know I don't know how did they come up with this this is like their

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paranoid maybe paranoid uh it's amazing song and uh there is no chorus I think and no bridges

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there's only verses so it's not your typical uh song but it's still a hit and when you can do

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a hit without bridges and choruses it's amazing and the riffs are awesome awesome lead guitars

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and the harmonies with stem guitars I don't know what's it in English when we say twin guitars I

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guess is what we twin guitars yeah those harmonies what they do together in this song is amazing and

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it's typical for iron maiden yes and I think there's a great guitar solo in this song as well

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I mean there's lots of great solos everywhere but yeah um oh and this yeah and this is like a staple

00:25:47,280 --> 00:25:52,160
in their live set they've actually according to like the web sometimes they look at the website

00:25:52,160 --> 00:25:59,200 it's called where they keep track of how many songs they play live or whatever and

00:25:59,200 --> 00:26:05,920
the trooper is the fourth song they've played the most live just after like iron maiden which of

00:26:05,920 --> 00:26:10,640
course they play at every show and then I remember the beast in hell would be the name of the only

00:26:10,640 --> 00:26:15,200
two that have been played more than the trooper it's even been played more than run to the hills

00:26:15,200 --> 00:26:22,240
which is surprising actually oh cool and then we go to this is actually I think this is my

00:26:22,240 --> 00:26:27,120
this is my favorite song on the album still life I don't know maybe because I like the lyrics

00:26:27,120 --> 00:26:31,840
because they're kind of like horror kind of lyrics and stuff so what do you think of still life

00:26:33,920 --> 00:26:43,360
I also love this one it's hard to be critical because this album is so awesome this is a jewel

00:26:43,360 --> 00:26:52,320
this song is a jewel I think I also love the lyrics and the nightmare stuff it's very emotional

00:26:52,320 --> 00:27:03,440
you know nightmares forever calling me nightmares now we rest in peace I wish I could come up with

00:27:04,160 --> 00:27:13,360
these these kind of genius lyrics and it's amazing amazing song well the this this song

00:27:13,360 --> 00:27:16,720
is the reason I don't swim because I'm afraid to go into a swimming pool

00:27:16,720 --> 00:27:25,040
yeah and actually the song starts with a backwards message as they said that since they were getting

00:27:25,040 --> 00:27:29,520
criticized for being satan worshipers they thought as a joke they'd put a backwards message

00:27:31,040 --> 00:27:37,200
on the album and it's actually nico mcbrain doing a little schtick and he ends it with a burp of

00:27:37,200 --> 00:27:47,200
course oh I didn't know that yes now there is if you want to if somebody wants to look on wikipedia

00:27:47,200 --> 00:27:51,920
it actually says what he's saying but I didn't want to because I wouldn't get it right if I tried to

00:27:51,920 --> 00:27:57,840
say what it because some of the words don't make much sense but it's on that wikipedia if you want

00:27:57,840 --> 00:28:03,520
to go look that up um what there was something oh yeah still life and they've only played this song

00:28:03,520 --> 00:28:09,920
live 45 times according to that website and I believe I did see them play it live because

00:28:09,920 --> 00:28:14,000
I can't remember the year but I saw iron maiden where they did a tour that where they only played

00:28:14,000 --> 00:28:20,000
songs from the first four albums on the concert so it was just songs from the first four albums and

00:28:20,000 --> 00:28:25,120
I think they played still life that night so I guess that was one of the 45 times that I heard

00:28:25,120 --> 00:28:29,360
it it was probably on that tour it's probably the only time they played that song so I was happy to

00:28:29,360 --> 00:28:33,920
get the hear still life live because I don't think I've heard it in any of the other shows

00:28:34,640 --> 00:28:46,080
yeah that's special yes and then we go to why is it quest for fire and what do you think now I was

00:28:46,080 --> 00:28:52,240
reading some other people's comments and a lot of people don't like this song I don't mind it what

00:28:52,240 --> 00:29:02,960
do you think of quest for fire well many people say that the first six songs are are good amazing

00:29:02,960 --> 00:29:14,480
on this album and then after the six songs it uh what's the word downwards a bit but uh I think

00:29:14,480 --> 00:29:26,720
quest for fire is amazing high vocals show off from bruce he goes amazingly high in this one

00:29:28,240 --> 00:29:40,400
in the verses and harry's lyrics uh adventure in his lyrics adventure theme I think so

00:29:40,400 --> 00:29:48,720
great riffs very good solo I don't know about the technical stuff in solos

00:29:49,680 --> 00:29:59,440
like many guitarists but I think the solo is emotional so I like this song very much and when

00:29:59,440 --> 00:30:10,960
I looked up some reviews on this album I was surprised that the Rolling Stones uh reviewed

00:30:10,960 --> 00:30:18,720
this album only two stars from five stars so that was that was surprising to me

00:30:20,720 --> 00:30:25,200
I don't yeah roll I don't I don't really like Rolling Stone they don't I don't think they

00:30:25,200 --> 00:30:34,160
know too much about heavy metal sometimes okay sometimes they do but of course there's always

00:30:34,160 --> 00:30:38,640
gonna be people yeah I did I was going through some reviews too and I saw somebody giving

00:30:38,640 --> 00:30:44,160
them like a one or two all they wasn't Rolling Stones just just just people in general get given

00:30:44,160 --> 00:30:48,480
their own reviews somewhere and yeah somebody's giving it four and a half out of five and then

00:30:48,480 --> 00:30:54,480
somebody's throwing in a two same stairway and then somebody's throwing in a three and a four

00:30:54,480 --> 00:31:01,360
and it's terrible or whatever but it's just your own opinion I guess right so yeah yeah a lot of

00:31:01,360 --> 00:31:05,360
people didn't like the lyrics on this song they thought it was kind of they didn't like the lyrics

00:31:05,360 --> 00:31:11,040
but I don't know I didn't and I don't know if this was there's a movie from I think the movie was

00:31:11,040 --> 00:31:15,360
from Canada actually called Quest for Fire or something and it was about the same kind of idea

00:31:15,360 --> 00:31:20,160
that what the song is so I'm not sure if that's where they got the idea if Steve Harris got the

00:31:20,160 --> 00:31:28,560
idea from that movie or it was just something else yeah it's adventurous you can forget your

00:31:28,560 --> 00:31:37,040
daily life and walk with the dinosaur and fight with the cannibal tribes and I think it's a fun

00:31:37,040 --> 00:31:49,440
fun song and what you said about opinions I think it's very comforting comforting as an artist that

00:31:50,640 --> 00:31:59,920
someone as awesome as Iron Maiden one of the best bands ever a big name if they can also get two

00:31:59,920 --> 00:32:09,840
stars from five stars from someone it's very comforting to other people who make music I think

00:32:10,480 --> 00:32:20,000
because music is art and it's a everybody has their opinion and you can't please everyone no

00:32:20,000 --> 00:32:25,520
matter what you do so that's right now this this song they've never played this one live according

00:32:25,520 --> 00:32:31,520
to that website or the next song either they've never played Sun and Steel live either and I like

00:32:31,520 --> 00:32:36,880
this song it's just a short rocking song Mark Gallup in here but how do you think of this song

00:32:36,880 --> 00:32:50,480
Sun and Steel it starts with very legendary in my opinion very legendary drums Iron Maiden drums

00:32:50,480 --> 00:33:04,400
first with Nico but I think it's some kind of the lyrics are sad to me because this person has killer

00:33:04,400 --> 00:33:17,120
instinct he has to be a warrior killed your first man at 13 a 13 year old is a child so it's a bit

00:33:17,120 --> 00:33:27,360
sad that some somewhere in the world you have to be this warrior when you're a child you can't be a

00:33:27,360 --> 00:33:36,080
child so it's a bit sad although although the music is not sad in this song but the lyrics for me

00:33:36,080 --> 00:33:43,040
are a bit sad well apparently it's about the life of a samurai legend now there's a name here I guess

00:33:43,040 --> 00:33:50,880
I'll try to say it Miyamoto Musashi is the name so apparently it's about him I don't know how accurate

00:33:50,880 --> 00:33:57,920
that is but I read that I just made a note of that but yes it's a very catchy song I mean catchy

00:33:58,800 --> 00:34:04,160
the music's catchy and it's another great guitar solo in there but yes if you really dive into

00:34:04,160 --> 00:34:11,200
lyrics it is sad that you know you have to fight when you're 13 for sure but they don't make it

00:34:11,200 --> 00:34:17,760
yeah they definitely don't make the song seem sad in the music and the way they play yeah and I think

00:34:19,280 --> 00:34:29,840
it's supposed to be an empowering song for example if your hobby is boxing or something like that

00:34:29,840 --> 00:34:42,400
this is an empowering song but as a woman my empathy just woke and I thought he should be a

00:34:42,400 --> 00:34:52,240
child when he's 13 yeah but it's a good song and a little faster and then we end off the album with

00:34:52,240 --> 00:34:58,160
the longest song which is almost seven and a half minutes and that's to tame a land and what do you

00:34:58,160 --> 00:35:07,680
think of to tame a land well this song has a beautiful beginning and

00:35:10,480 --> 00:35:18,800
the first first you hear these beautiful melodies and then the song starts with a headbanging riff

00:35:18,800 --> 00:35:30,240
it's a bit surprising but it's very Iron Maiden we have a song called Winter Maiden which starts a

00:35:30,240 --> 00:35:41,760
bit slow and also on our debut album song called Frost of Winter and we also start those songs with

00:35:41,760 --> 00:35:51,200
a little bit slower a clean clean guitar there and then it starts after that with a bang so

00:35:51,920 --> 00:35:58,800
we have been also influenced by this song our band Swan Song

00:35:58,800 --> 00:36:14,240
and uh Bruce sings the verse a bit lower he becomes a more serious on this one because

00:36:14,240 --> 00:36:26,880
he's singing about this mighty king who ruled even the sand worms so his voice gets a bit lower and

00:36:26,880 --> 00:36:36,400
it's very serious because it's about this mighty king and I really like the bridges on this one

00:36:36,400 --> 00:36:43,200
there's a awesome awesome melody on the bridges and this is a long song but still not boring

00:36:43,200 --> 00:36:51,520
to me uh half of the song it comes a bit faster when we when we are in the middle of the song

00:36:51,520 --> 00:37:01,760
on the half it becomes faster and then Bruce's voice rises higher I think I think that's cool

00:37:02,320 --> 00:37:10,960
it's very versatile in this song and the ending ending melody is so beautiful when the song

00:37:12,160 --> 00:37:21,040
comes to an end and the whole album comes to an end there's a beautiful beautiful ending and it's

00:37:21,040 --> 00:37:30,320
very iron maiden to me and yes and as a singer when you listen to like maybe this album back then are

00:37:30,320 --> 00:37:36,400
you thinking oh I want to try that like do you try to do what he's doing sometimes or are you just

00:37:36,400 --> 00:37:46,480
listening like everyone else yeah I have I have tried sometimes it's amazing how how high he can

00:37:46,480 --> 00:37:58,400
go it's it resonates up in his forehead I think yeah he can he can go very high

00:38:00,000 --> 00:38:06,080
I don't know if if I can go that high but maybe I have to practice more

00:38:08,640 --> 00:38:13,600
you're doing just fine now this song is actually they wanted to call it noon

00:38:13,600 --> 00:38:21,120
about the novel of the same name but they had to the person that wrote it Frank Herbert so they had

00:38:21,120 --> 00:38:26,560
to get his permission and he said he doesn't like rock bands particularly heavy rock bands and

00:38:26,560 --> 00:38:31,520
especially bands like iron maiden so they couldn't use that name so they had to call it to tame the

00:38:31,520 --> 00:38:39,520
land oh and now he's probably I'm not sure if this I'm not sure how old that person is if he's still

00:38:39,520 --> 00:38:45,680
alive but now he's probably thinking oh I should have let them do that yeah but yeah it's a good

00:38:45,680 --> 00:38:51,120
song it's like it's kind of like rhyme in the ancient mirror which comes on the next album

00:38:51,120 --> 00:38:57,040
which has the middle part of the song slows right down and then you pick up again for the solo section

00:38:57,600 --> 00:39:03,360
there's lots of great drum work on that song and I could I read a lot of people's comments again

00:39:03,360 --> 00:39:07,600
saying how this is like their favorite song and I was surprised thinking that maybe people didn't

00:39:07,600 --> 00:39:12,960
like this song I don't know why even though I like the song but but anyway so that's the album that

00:39:12,960 --> 00:39:20,640
was like 45 minutes which was an average time of for an album back then and I know you're not a

00:39:20,640 --> 00:39:24,000
album reviewer but would you be able to rate this album out of 10

00:39:24,000 --> 00:39:35,120
I would say 9.5 very good now I was gonna I was I was gonna give it a 9 9 out of 10 would be how I

00:39:35,120 --> 00:39:43,040
would probably review it I suppose so we're pretty close yeah pretty close awesome now have you ever

00:39:43,040 --> 00:39:56,560
seen Iron Maiden Live yourself yes last year in Tampere Finland I cried I cried my eyes out

00:39:57,760 --> 00:40:08,240
it was amazing and even when Eddie Eddie came on the stage I like cried Nico to me was like

00:40:08,240 --> 00:40:22,160
like cried Nico to me was was amazing Bruce still he sings to me there was nothing nothing wrong

00:40:22,160 --> 00:40:30,240
with his voice he's amazing so I just enjoyed every minute of it it was like a theater

00:40:30,240 --> 00:40:41,760
theater and what how do you say theater theater theater yeah and also an opera at the same and

00:40:41,760 --> 00:40:52,000
rock rock festival and badass music heavy rock metal stuff so I loved it yeah it was amazing

00:40:52,800 --> 00:40:59,040
well I've probably seen them about 10 times over the years and my first one was on the Power Slave

00:40:59,040 --> 00:41:05,200
Tour that was my first time seeing an Iron Maiden was on that tour and that was probably that was

00:41:05,200 --> 00:41:11,760
1984 that I seen that but I won't talk about I've probably talked about that before in all the

00:41:11,760 --> 00:41:17,040
podcasts anyway so that's the album that was great we talked about that album and I know you mentioned

00:41:18,000 --> 00:41:24,240
before we started about obituary but I'm not a big guy into death metal so even though I would have

00:41:24,240 --> 00:41:30,320
been willing to do that album other writers on my staff probably would have been upset that I talked

00:41:30,320 --> 00:41:36,960
about that album since they know it way better than I do so I'm glad we went with Iron Maiden

00:41:36,960 --> 00:41:46,880
since I definitely know them really well yeah and I love death metal I love melodic death metal

00:41:46,880 --> 00:41:57,120
I love heavy metal many many different styles so I'm also happy we we did this yes and now

00:41:57,840 --> 00:42:03,600
and we usually finish off the episode with a top 10 list and I didn't know if you would participate

00:42:03,600 --> 00:42:10,240
but you said you got a list for me and we're going to do I thought since we have a female here as my

00:42:10,240 --> 00:42:16,960
guest female vocalist that we would do top 10 female I have hard rock metal is because some of

00:42:16,960 --> 00:42:23,360
mine might be hard rock girls not necessarily heavy metal because I'm going for a little bit of I have

00:42:23,360 --> 00:42:29,360
a few Canadians on here probably that you've never heard of before me possibly and some that

00:42:29,360 --> 00:42:34,240
didn't last very long but they're still special to me I guess because I probably grew up listening to

00:42:34,240 --> 00:42:41,040
them so I'm gonna I'll go first I guess and I'll let you go last with your list okay yeah and now

00:42:41,040 --> 00:42:45,440
I've ranked mine like one to ten and I'm gonna start at number ten it doesn't matter if you

00:42:45,440 --> 00:42:51,680
didn't rank yours or not it doesn't matter but that's what I did so number ten I have a female

00:42:51,680 --> 00:42:57,200
singer from Toronto called Lee Erin and the reason I have her on my list is because when I was in

00:42:57,200 --> 00:43:06,160
high school I had a poster over on my locker in high school oh so cute and she had an album called

00:43:06,160 --> 00:43:11,600
metal queen and even though she was this was of course back in what year was that that was

00:43:11,600 --> 00:43:17,680
probably in the early 80s it wasn't very heavy but there wasn't many females in metal there was

00:43:17,680 --> 00:43:23,040
girl school maybe and rock goddess another group runaways before that but there wasn't very many

00:43:23,040 --> 00:43:29,120
females in metal yeah so it wasn't very heavy but anyway she was called a metal queen and she's

00:43:29,120 --> 00:43:34,000
still going today she doesn't really sing metal but she sings rock hard rock or whatever so she's

00:43:34,000 --> 00:43:39,760
still around so that's why she's my number ten number nine is another Canadian and her name is

00:43:39,760 --> 00:43:46,720
Derby Mills and she was in a band called head pins and they only had three albums but their first two

00:43:46,720 --> 00:43:52,480
albums I listened to it before I discovered heavy metal so it was hard rock even though it was just

00:43:52,480 --> 00:43:58,480
as heavy as some of the hair metal that came after it but I loved her voice on those first two albums

00:43:58,480 --> 00:44:06,400
so head pins Derby Mills from the head pins and my number eight is called Priya Panda who is also

00:44:06,400 --> 00:44:11,360
a singer from Toronto but I think now she lives in California in the United States she was in a band

00:44:11,360 --> 00:44:19,680
called diamonds that's D I E M O N D S not like the diamonds on your fingers and they were kind

00:44:19,680 --> 00:44:24,160
of a hair metal band with an edge or whatever but I used to do photo shoots and I did a photo shoot

00:44:24,160 --> 00:44:28,720
with her once so that's kind of why she's on my list too I mean they love her singing but I also

00:44:28,720 --> 00:44:34,480
had fun that I got to do a photo shoot with now my number seven is well I couldn't have you on my

00:44:34,480 --> 00:44:41,440
podcast and not have you on my list so my number seven is you awesome thank you so much what an

00:44:41,440 --> 00:44:47,920
honor to be among you've only got one full album under your belt for singing so after you have a

00:44:47,920 --> 00:44:57,840
few more you might go higher on my list oh now I now I have to step it up okay number six I got

00:44:57,840 --> 00:45:06,240
Diva Satanica of Bloodhunter and also of the band How We End and she was formerly or she was on one

00:45:06,240 --> 00:45:12,560
album with the band Nervosa from Brazil and I've known her for years so she's kind of on here just

00:45:12,560 --> 00:45:18,160
because also I know her but I also love her she's just great screamer she's not really a growler she

00:45:18,160 --> 00:45:25,360
just a screamer and number five I have Alyssa White-Blues from Arch Enemy and she is another

00:45:25,360 --> 00:45:31,760
Canadian I got like five Canadians on my list actually she is from Montreal in Canada and of

00:45:31,760 --> 00:45:38,400
course she's in Arch Enemy right now number four I have Brittany Slays who is from the Canadian band

00:45:38,400 --> 00:45:43,440
I guess they're a power metal band I would call them Unleash the Archers from BC in Canada

00:45:44,960 --> 00:45:50,720
and I don't know if you have you ever heard of Unleash the Archers yes I have okay yeah they've

00:45:50,720 --> 00:45:56,720
been around a while and so that's my number four number three I have Angela Gossow who was in

00:45:56,720 --> 00:46:03,760
Arch Enemy and she was like the first growler female growler I ever heard possibly you too

00:46:03,760 --> 00:46:09,280
but she was and I interviewed her way back when I don't know 20 years ago or something on my

00:46:09,280 --> 00:46:15,280
previous version of my website and she's the one that got me into extreme music because I never

00:46:15,280 --> 00:46:20,400
really liked the death metal vocals until I heard Arch Enemy and then and I didn't even know it was

00:46:20,400 --> 00:46:24,640
a girl I don't think but I really loved the guitars and the band and then I went oh that's a girl

00:46:24,640 --> 00:46:36,240
singing yeah like many of us yeah awesome and my number two is from let's see the group where it's

00:46:36,240 --> 00:46:41,440
Taylor Momsen of the Pretty Reckless now this is an heavy metal group even though they're pretty

00:46:41,440 --> 00:46:48,720
heavy rock and of course she was in the the movie as a little girl in the movie The Grinch Stole

00:46:48,720 --> 00:46:57,200
Christmas with Joe Carey but I love her voice I think she has such a great uh uh I can't think

00:46:57,200 --> 00:47:02,240
of the word now but her voice is just great I think and and I don't mind listening to the songs

00:47:02,240 --> 00:47:06,560
some of them are pretty good and my number one is I don't know if you know this band a band called

00:47:06,560 --> 00:47:13,200
What's Human and the singer is Lauren Hart and it's actually on the day we're recording it it's

00:47:13,200 --> 00:47:18,560
her birthday today you know she won't be listening and it won't be this podcast will be posted a

00:47:18,560 --> 00:47:23,600
couple days later but it just happens to be her birthday as we're talking and I've known her for

00:47:23,600 --> 00:47:29,920
a while and we're kind of friendly friends and once they are working on a new album so hopefully

00:47:29,920 --> 00:47:36,160
this year we'll have a once human album and she's definitely a screamer too and there's my list

00:47:36,160 --> 00:47:46,400
Wow amazing and happy birthday to her she's amazing amazing women and some of them are also on my list

00:47:46,960 --> 00:47:53,040
so I think your list was amazing thank you so let's hear your list now

00:47:53,040 --> 00:48:06,480
My list they are not in particular order but I have to say we agreed that we are doing

00:48:07,200 --> 00:48:17,200
10 women yes yes and I have female metal women in my list but as a bonus I have to say

00:48:17,200 --> 00:48:27,920
that this woman he she doesn't do metal but she's amazing she has a song called Heavy Metal Lover

00:48:27,920 --> 00:48:38,480
and she has these cool riffs on her music although it's pop but she's a very good singer and composer

00:48:38,480 --> 00:48:47,920
amazing woman and she is Lady Gaga okay yes yeah and although she doesn't do metal

00:48:48,640 --> 00:48:58,080
I played her album to our guitarist Topi and Topi was like I don't like pop music I don't want to

00:48:58,080 --> 00:49:04,400
hear it and we were driving and I said please listen to it and then he listened to it and he

00:49:04,400 --> 00:49:13,920
was very surprised that there were these cool guitar riffs that she uses and she uses a band

00:49:14,960 --> 00:49:23,360
nowadays and he was impressed so she has a bit of those metal vibes to her I think she I think she

00:49:23,360 --> 00:49:29,280
is a heavy metal fan if I'm not mistaken she played with Metallica I think at some awards show like

00:49:29,280 --> 00:49:34,800
maybe the Grammys one year I can't remember and I think I've seen her wearing an Erin Maiden shirt

00:49:34,800 --> 00:49:42,080
and I think she actually wore it on a talk show once and yes I think she really just liked them

00:49:42,080 --> 00:49:48,720
stuff but yes so that's interesting okay definitely and she is bringing something metal

00:49:48,720 --> 00:49:57,440
into pop music yeah so I think it's a good thing yes metal but then to my list I have here

00:49:57,440 --> 00:50:11,200
Vicky White from the Agonist I think she's amazing vocalist she's versatile she's amazing screamer

00:50:11,200 --> 00:50:26,560
and growler unfortunately the Agonist quit I think it was a big what's the word loss big loss to her

00:50:26,560 --> 00:50:35,600
loss to metal I love her and also her personality she's a great person I actually have a picture of

00:50:35,600 --> 00:50:42,960
her and me and her together because I interviewed her once outside a club in Ontario Canada here

00:50:42,960 --> 00:50:53,120
I'll have to find a picture and send it to you awesome that's cute and then I have Amy Lee here

00:50:53,120 --> 00:51:07,040
from Evanescence she has been at that what's the word promoter promoter for metal she has won Grammys

00:51:09,040 --> 00:51:19,680
and she's a beautiful woman beautiful voice beautiful person I like her yes and then I have

00:51:19,680 --> 00:51:33,680
Warlock Queen Doro here she's one of those original queens and she has also made solo career

00:51:34,560 --> 00:51:46,400
she's amazing woman and there are so many women I would like to put on this list I also thought

00:51:46,400 --> 00:51:57,120
about Taylor Momsen but not everyone can because there has to be only 10 then I have Simone Simons

00:51:57,120 --> 00:52:11,120
from Epica she's a Dutch amazing woman she always looks so elegant and she's a powerhouse vocalist

00:52:11,120 --> 00:52:23,760
I love her and then I have some Finnish ladies because you promoted Canadian ladies so now

00:52:23,760 --> 00:52:32,000
as a Finnish person I have to shout out to my Finnish babes Noora Louhimo from Battle Beast

00:52:32,000 --> 00:52:42,000
do you know her yes she's amazing she has this rock and roll in her voice it's very powerful she

00:52:42,000 --> 00:52:55,920
has this rock and roll rasp in her voice and then I have of course Tarja Turunen Nightwish original

00:52:55,920 --> 00:53:08,320
vocalist because I was a child when I heard Nightwish and Tarja was the vocalist her opera singing

00:53:08,960 --> 00:53:22,080
was amazing there was nothing like that and then I have Nightwish Florian Sen who is doing amazing

00:53:22,080 --> 00:53:30,080
job she's amazing she can do anything with her voice she also growls not in Nightwish but she

00:53:30,080 --> 00:53:42,560
can growl yes and I think she finally deserves this success that she has got with Nightwish because

00:53:42,560 --> 00:53:49,600
she has been doing vocals for so long and she's amazing and a nice person amazing woman and a mother

00:53:49,600 --> 00:54:03,040
yes so those were my Finnish ladies and then I have of course Canadian Alissa White Glutes

00:54:03,040 --> 00:54:20,560
she's amazing she has a risen arch enemy to a wider crowd I think she's a real queen

00:54:20,560 --> 00:54:31,840
and she also promotes good things like animal rights and vegan stuff and I love her voice

00:54:31,840 --> 00:54:38,720
there's something it's very like powerful and brutal but still there's something soft

00:54:39,520 --> 00:54:50,560
softness in her voice so it's awesome and then of course I have Ginger Tatiana

00:54:50,560 --> 00:55:02,880
she has this amazing like blues sexy clean voice where you could be in a bar piano piano bar

00:55:02,880 --> 00:55:10,800
you know sipping drinks and she would she would do this smoky sexy voice thing and then when she

00:55:10,800 --> 00:55:21,520
growls I was like what she's amazing I actually read somewhere that when she started to growl

00:55:22,400 --> 00:55:32,960
she growled in a pillow so she could practice because when you growl like this it's too noisy

00:55:32,960 --> 00:55:41,920
but when she growled in a pillow the neighbors wouldn't be so mad at her so I think that might

00:55:41,920 --> 00:55:51,200
have gotten her growl so powerful because when you have to growl in a pillow it takes a lot of

00:55:51,200 --> 00:56:02,960
takes a lot of air and power so maybe I should try that also and then I have of course Angela

00:56:02,960 --> 00:56:17,840
Gosso the queen I didn't know women can do stuff like this before I heard her and she's amazing

00:56:17,840 --> 00:56:28,800
she's very her presence stage presence is also very powerful and her voice is amazing she has

00:56:28,800 --> 00:56:39,600
paved a way for women yes she's the reason I growl her and Alice are both amazing and

00:56:39,600 --> 00:56:49,680
amazing and in their own way kind of the same but a little bit different and then I have I

00:56:49,680 --> 00:57:00,160
said 10 names but the last bonus name is spirit box Courtney Laplante she has paved the way also

00:57:00,160 --> 00:57:09,120
for metal and she does this cool clean stuff and then this deathcore stuff which I have found

00:57:09,120 --> 00:57:17,440
deathcore also I'm into it I'm into deathcore vocals she does amazing stuff with that and she did

00:57:20,560 --> 00:57:28,160
song with Megan the stallion the rapper so she's putting together metal and rap

00:57:28,160 --> 00:57:38,880
as a woman and I know some people don't like it but I think it's good for metal we need to

00:57:38,880 --> 00:57:48,160
metal over the world you know yes yeah I love her amazing ladies all of them that's great

00:57:48,160 --> 00:57:52,640
that's a good list and I knew I was worried I wouldn't know many of them but I know most of them

00:57:52,640 --> 00:57:58,320
I think I mean spirit box I maybe haven't listened to them before but I think I know everyone else

00:57:58,320 --> 00:58:05,280
that you mentioned so that's good yay cool because I know I'm not much into the symphonic

00:58:05,280 --> 00:58:10,640
metal I guess like your nightwishes but of course I obviously know about them and stuff like that

00:58:10,640 --> 00:58:24,240
of course yeah is Finland's maybe most biggest band metal band yes yes okay that's great and so I guess

00:58:24,240 --> 00:58:30,480
that's about it we were at about an hour I think since we started so that's good is there anything

00:58:31,120 --> 00:58:36,240
I do thank you very much for joining me on the podcast it was very fun to have a singer on

00:58:36,240 --> 00:58:41,840
because I guess you're the well I've had a diva on before and I had another female singer but it was

00:58:41,840 --> 00:58:51,440
nice to get your views on Bruce Dickinson who's a pretty good singer too and yeah he's amazing and

00:58:51,440 --> 00:58:57,680
thank you so much for having me this was such an honor and if you listen to my Finnish rally

00:58:57,680 --> 00:59:06,800
English for an hour you deserve a medal so thank you so much I had fun thank you well thank you

00:59:06,800 --> 00:59:11,520
for joining me now if you're so make sure if you're listening to this podcast share it if you can

00:59:11,520 --> 00:59:16,640
review wherever you listen to do it if you can leave a review or rate it please do because we

00:59:16,640 --> 00:59:22,480
need some more reviews and stuff everywhere and if you want to be a guest like I said maybe or if

00:59:22,480 --> 00:59:29,040
you have a suggestion of an album or something like that please email me info at the metal pit

00:59:29,040 --> 00:59:43,120
dot org so thanks Yamina and I hope wait I hope you have a bye bye thank you yes I will have a

00:59:43,120 --> 00:59:51,520
good day and to you too to everyone listening and for you Blake okay thank you and thanks everybody

00:59:51,520 --> 00:59:57,360
for listening goodbye thank you so much bye bye keep it metal